Citizens Make The Call in El Paso, TX

Business Friendly


Business Friendly

The PSB has spent $200 Million on growth and they plan to spend another $340 Million in the next ten years. Then they will spend $630 Million to import water from Hudpseth County. The total cost of growth will be $1.17 Billion.

Who should pay for $1.17 Billion worth of sewer and water facilities to accommodate new homes? Should the $1.17 Billion be passed on to the builders, developers and new home owners who benefit from the expenditures? Or should the $1.17 Billion be included in the water bills of people who receive no benefit from the expenditures?

These costs are currently paid by customers who receive no benefit from the expenditures.

The city council is considering impact fees on new homes to pass the cost on to the people who receive the benefit. However, the Mayor wants El Paso to be "business friendly."

There are only two choices. The Mayor can be friendly to the businesses who are receiving the $1.17 Billion benefit. Or he can be friendly to the water customers who are forced to pay for the $1.17 Billion benefit.

It is an easy choice for any fair minded person. But the Mayor and City Council have sided with businesses. They appointed nine people, five of whom are in the home building business, to decide who pays the $1.17 Billion.

In all fairness, the issue should be decided by unbiased experts recommended by the American Water Works Association. But businessmen, especially home builders, are the source of most of the campaign contributions received by the Mayor and City Council. These businessmen expect $1.17 Billion in return.

You make the call


Citizens Make The Call in El Paso, TX