Citizens Make The Call in El Paso, TX

Deception in Government


On March 1, 2008, EPWU raised prices by 10%. They claim that they had to increase prices because operating cost had gone up by $3 Million a year. Nine months later they reported that operating cost had actually gone down by $4.5 Million for the first nine months of the year. The following statements issued by EPWWU were deliberately misleading.

"I have done everything I can to try to contain costs, but because of these hard costs for energy, for chemicals, for surface water and maintenance, we have to have a rate adjustment in order to meet our targets." General Manager of El Paso Water Utilities "

Just like the cost of fuel, materials, transportation and other things has affected almost everybody, it has also affected El Paso Water Utilities." "All these additional expenses needed to be reflected on our budget and that translated to rates that are increased from last year." Public Affairs Manager of El Paso Water Utilities.

Rate increases at the PSB have nothing to do with cost of service.1 PSB has already raised prices by 93 % and they have adopted a plan to raise prices by another 128 %.2 These price increases are designed to confiscate money and water from existing customers to subsidize new homes and economic development.3

Please see "Cost of Service."
Please see "Conservation or Confiscation."
Please see "Fraud??"

Citizens Make The Call in El Paso, TX