Citizens Make The Call in El Paso, TX

Taxation w/out Representation


Taxation without representation

The El Paso Water Utilities Public Service Board (PSB) is a monopoly. They sell water. If you want to connect your home to water service in El Paso you must get it from the PSB and pay their bill. There is no limit to the amount they can bill you but you have no choice. You pay the bill or they cut off your water.

The PSB claims that they are a cost of service government agency but they do not follow the standards for cost of service billings laid down by the American Water Works Association (AWWA).

The AWWA says water bills should be based on rates "designed to promote equity among customers by charging each customer in such a way that a customer is neither subsidized by nor subsidizes other customers."

The PSB admits that they have collected $200 Million to subsidize El Paso housing developments and they plan to collect another $340 Million in the next ten years. Then they will have to collect $630 Million to bring in water for these new developments.

This $1.17 Billion subsidy will be included in your water bill. You must pay for the subsidy or the PSB will cut of your water. You receive no benefit from the subsidy. All of the benefit goes to developers, home builders and new home owners.

The PSB argues that "this is good for the economy and good for the people of El Paso" but their argument misses the point. The PSB did not tell their customers that they would be forced to pay for subsidies totaling $1.17 Billion. They didn't ask for their customers' opinion.

Does the PSB have the right to collect $1.17 Billion from water customers without their consent? Must we allow five political appointees to charge us $1.17 Billion based solely on their opinion? Can the PSB simply ignore the opinion of the citizens of El Paso? Should citizens have an opportunity to vote on a $1.17 Billion subsidy? Does the PSB believe in government by the people?

Citizens Make The Call in El Paso, TX